Mattingly Watson

Mattingly Watson

Hi, I’m Mattingly Watson! I am a sophomore majoring in American Studies at Hillsdale College where I am blessed to be an Admissions Student Ambassador, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and a host on Radio Free Hillsdale 101.7 FM. I was born and raised in a small Arkansas town in the heart of the Bible Belt. Growing up in such an amazing place has given me the opportunity to learn from mentors, experience unconditional love, and give back to my community. Now, I am honored and blessed to be able to return this kind of love and guidance through the Fact of Life podcast. Our world is messed up. That’s something we can all agree on. Political conflicts and hatred tempt us to forget what we have in common- being created in the image of God- and listen the division Satan spews our way. It is my hope that we are able to bring light to a world so full of hate and remind everyone that we are all more alike than we think. I am conservative. I am a Christian. And I am a young woman. These are things the media tries to hide from you, and I am tired of letting them. Let’s band together to support one another and follow the Lord. I am so honored to go along on the journey with you!

Appears in 45 Episodes

Episode 15 - What now?

Episode 15 - What now?

I know who I am… I know what my purpose is. Now what? This final segment closes out the three-part identity series that tackles the three questions everybody asks them...

Episode 14 - What is the Purpose of my Life?

Episode 14 - What is the Purpose of my Life?

Now that I know my identity, what’s my purpose? Do I have a purpose in life? How do I know I have the right purpose? Part two of this three-part series digs deeper on ...

Episode 13 - Identify: What Defines Me?

Episode 13 - Identify: What Defines Me?

Who am I? Where do I place my identity? What lies does society tell me about who I should be? Follow along as we begin a deep dive into the questions every person asks...

Episode 12 - The State of the Union Addressed

Episode 12 - The State of the Union Addressed

Should the State of the Union Address be polarizing or unifying? Nonpartisan or partisan? How did President Biden handle this year’s address? What was the GOP rebuttal...

Episode 11 - 1 Peter 2 and Submission to Government

Episode 11 - 1 Peter 2 and Submission to Government

Should Christians duck their heads and “submit” to authority? Is that the same as apathy? Who is our ultimate authority? Answer these questions and more with Chloe Nol...

Episode 10 - Sports and Politics?

Episode 10 - Sports and Politics?

Are professional athletes the next political activists? Why are our favorite sports arenas turning into a political battle ground? On this week’s episode of Fact of Li...

Episode 9 - Greatest Moments of 2022 - Looking Ahead

Episode 9 - Greatest Moments of 2022 - Looking Ahead

5…4…3…2…1! Can you name the top 5 newsworthy events of 2022? This week’s segment of Fact of Life featuring Chloe Noller and Mattie Grace Watson gives you the play-by-p...

Episode 8 - Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment

Episode 8 - Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment

Should teachers be allowed to possess guns on campus? Is it time to harden school campuses? Was the 2nd amendment even intended for regular citizens or was it just the...

Episode 7 - Abortion and the Pro-Life Movement

Episode 7 - Abortion and the Pro-Life Movement

Post the November 7th election day, the fight for life seems to be taking a hit. Despite this, today's hosts, Chloe Noller and Mattie Grace Watson will cover abortion....

Episode 6 - The Fifth Commandment

Episode 6 - The Fifth Commandment

Is Gen Z really as disrespectful as they say? Why should we respect our elders anyways? Maybe we should rethink this whole “honor your father and mother” thing… dive i...

Episode 5 - Is Voting Important?

Episode 5 - Is Voting Important?

Is voting actually that important ? Are you even registered to vote? Do local elections matter? Chloe Noller and Mattie Grace Watson bring you the history of voting, w...

Episode 4 - The Attack on Education and Critical Race Theory

Episode 4 - The Attack on Education and Critical Race Theory

What is Critical Race Theory? Where did it come from? Why is it being taught in schools? Listen in as Chloe Noller and Mattie Grace Watson discuss the history and thre...

Episode 3 - The Attack on Education

Episode 3 - The Attack on Education

Could you pass the U.S Citizenship test? How many civics/social studies were you offered in high school? Is it really important for students to learn these things? Fol...

Episode 2 - Losing a Generation to Progressivism

Episode 2 - Losing a Generation to Progressivism

Are we losing a generation to progressivism? What even is progressivism? Is it really that serious of a problem? Follow along with 18-year-olds Chloe Noller and Mattie...

Episode 1 - Feminism and Christianity?

Episode 1 - Feminism and Christianity?

How are the effects of modern day feminism tarnishing the original feminist movement? Does the Women's March actually have women's best interest in mind? Is voting for...

Chloe A. Noller and Mattingly Watson 2022